The Perks of Party Booking Online

Finding the right venue made easier

Before the internet, finding and booking venues was a painful process taking up lots of time (that could have been better spent looking at lolcat pictures). You discovered a potential place either through a friend's recommendation, a chance visit or when you saw it in a magazine.

People would go through the telephone directory for function venue numbers, and call them up one by one. Finally, you go in to see a venue only to be disappointed that it isn't right, the charge is too high or it looks worse than if your Aunt Dotty did the interior decorating. Then you had to start all over again. Whew! I'm working up a sweat just thinking about all that effort.

So, what does the web offer?

More Choices
Searching and booking online allows you to know your options in a matter of seconds. Just like here at, with just a few clicks, you get to see an extensive listing of venues all over town. Apart from saving you so much time and effort, the availability of venue options online allows you discover new places which you might have never known about otherwise.

Instant Research
You may know the names and locations of many venues in Melbourne, but sometimes names and locations are not enough. You will have to know details about the function room availability, which would help you make the right decision - such as availability, rates, seating capacity and many more. If done manually, this would take up so much time. Not with! Apart from giving you a list of venues, by clicking on each of them, you get all the information you'll need so you can easily cut out whichever options do not meet your criteria.

Virtual Viewing
A vital component of booking a function venue is an actual visit to make sure the appearance and ambience of the place is what you're looking for. However, if you are considering 10 venues, visiting all of them can be a waste of time and money. That's why includes photos, to give you a vivid visual representation of the function rooms without having to travel across Melbourne. The �virtual tour' can help you narrow down your choices for an actual visit - saving you time and money.

Easy Contact
Instead of racking up a super-sized phone bill calling every potential party location the same questions (Are you available these dates? Do you do 21st birthdays? Can you cater for 30 with 5 vegetarian guests? etc. etc.) you can use our amazing web form that lets you contact the venue's function manager directly online. For free. Super simple and it won't cost you a dime.

Manual booking is already a thing of the past. Using the internet as a tool can make your venue searching and booking faster, easier and more economical. We hope you get great use out of and host a killer party!

I need more help!
We've got more, free party planning guides to help you get your gettogether together! (Say that ten times fast!)

Looking for b'day function rooms? Pubs and bars?
All cities have function room listings with photos, detailed information and prices. You can also contact them all online for FREE!


Listing quality bars, pubs and function rooms since January 2009.

Function venue database and associated listings are the property of Partystar Pty Ltd., branding, layout and design is © 2009-2018 Melbourne Nightlife Pty Ltd.